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Hurricane Lexi
Every now and again a song comes along and it sticks. You expect a follow-up from the artist or band, expectation then turns to hope, the hope to nope. Welcome to the One Hit Wonder – She’s so high.
Back in 1999 a fresh face Tal Bachman hit the airwaves with his hit song She’s so high. If you were like me, you thought this fresh-faced guy had a huge career ahead of him. I remember playing the song on a community radio station back in the day. But I was wrong.
Tal was born on August 13 1968, in a little country we know as Canada. Yes, he is related to Randy and Robbie Bachman from Bachman Turner Overdrive fame.
Tal is a true one-hit-wonder but did release more than one song, but none achieved any acclaim like She’s so high. Tal has released two studio albums and 5 Singles. His latest release in 2019 failed to chart anywhere, even in his hometown.
In Australia, Tal peaked at number 8 with SSH.
She’s blood, flesh and bone
No tucks or silicone
She’s touch, smell, sight, taste, and sound
But somehow I can’t believe
That anything should happen
I know where I belong
And nothing’s going to happen, yeah
She’s So High
Tal told MTV – “I attempted to bribe the hottest girl in our high school to go out on a date with [my stepbrother],” Bachman told MTV News.”So as the conversation between me and what I thought was this godly, exalted woman progressed, I began to feel more and more uncomfortable and awkward, and so I just remember that feeling…
Lyrically She’s so high is a catchy tune, and for me personally brings back memories of a time when love was blossoming, I hope this brings back a few memories for you, and you can always hear She’s o high on Download the free app.
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Written by: Paul Y