Top listeners:
Hurricane Lexi
Jealousy is the new single from Jacob Lee.
It’s not very often you get to speak to an awesome talent, especially one that is not driven by fame but more about building a community. Thats exactly what Jacob has done and people are embracing it!
Forget about Jacob Lee’s 250 Million Youtube views or 200 Million spotify streams, take that away, and you have a down-to-earth guy, who has built a vibrant community on Discord link is HERE.
Jealousy is an incredible indie pop, indie synth track with infectious beats mixed with Jacobs empahtic vocals. This track is easy to listen to and totally relatable, you become emersed in the track right from the start.
However, when I first heard and watched the video clip, my very first impression was here we go, another long winded video to a basement quality track. Boy was I wrong. The video clip is on point, perfectly matched to the track. You can easily watch and listen to Jealousy on repeat and not get sick of it.
But don’t get stuck on this one track, binge watch and listen to his other tracks.
As we mentioned before, Jacob is not driven by fame and egostical ideals. He has built a community on Discord, and he engages the many and varied community members.
To see what a community can do when they come together, watch the video below, Break My Heart Again (community Video). One of the great things about the community, Jacob has managed to find other creative people that he has hired to help him achieve a great catalog of music and video clips.
If you are on Discord simply head over and join the family!
We managed to get a bit of info about his next song, “Sick and Tired” as song that talks about how pretty much about how no one cares about the planet. You have to watch the interview because its a great reminder that we all need to be a bit more aware of whats around us.
Jacob is releasing new music every two months, that’s because he is so busy, ideally the goal for him is to release music once a month. But hey life gets in the way!
Philosophical Records.
Hey Poprockers we hope you enjoy Jacobs Lee’s music, don’t forget to like, love, share, and follow!
Written by: Paul Y
today18/02/2025 104 2