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    Hurricane Lexi


227 Results / Page 22 of 26



Weekly Quiz Bands Bands Bands

How well did you go last week? It was a hard one, let's see how you go this week. It's all about bands. [os-widget path="/sagitech/how-well-can-you-score-in-our-weekly-quiz-2"] Try Last weeks Quiz Here Go to our Quiz Archive Here

today15/11/2021 8

Songs we love to hate

Carly Rae Jepsen

You know it, you secretly love Carly Rae Jepsen or one of her songs. It's hard not to. Her upbeat bubble gum pop, catchy tunes, and quirky style get stuck in your head, that dreaded earworm. Yes, it's that one that's playing in a shopping centre right now, or it could be one of many from her catalogue. Call Me Maybe 10th Annervisery Would you believe "Call me maybe" is […]

today15/11/2021 15

Artist of the Week

Ed Sheeran

This weeks artist of the week is none other than Ed Sheeran. You would think having a profile as big as Ed's that he has been around for years and released a crapload of albums.  Born: Edward Christopher SheeranOccupation:Singer-songwriter musician actorYears active: 2004–presentGenres:Pop folk-pop hip-hop soft rockInstruments:Vocals guitarWebsite edsheeran.comEd was born in Halifax UK in 1991 but bought up in Suffolk, where he started songs whilst in high school.Ed released […]

today14/11/2021 14

10 things

10 things about Cascada

If you went clubbing in the Mid to late 2000s. There's no doubt that you would have heard a song by Cascada. Here are 10 things you didn't know about Cascada. First A video. ONE Cascada was founded in 2004 By Natalie Horler, Dj Manian, and DJ Yanou. TWO Natalie was Born In Bonn Germany to British Parents. Natalie still resides in Bonn. Three Cascada have released multiple albums, […]

today12/11/2021 164

Greatest Bands of all time

Def Leppard

Back in 1977 a young group of guys from Sheffield in the UK got together and formed one of the greatest rock bands of our time.Forget Everything you've been told about rock bands, the legends and the myths. Nothing compares to these guys. Def Leppard has been there done that, turned around, and did it again. Like most people, I got my first taste of Def Leppard when they […]

today10/11/2021 19


Weekly Quiz 1987

Can you complete this quiz, this one is pretty tricky. How well do you know 1987? [os-widget path="/sagitech/how-well-can-you-score-in-our-weekly-quiz-"]

today09/11/2021 57

Artist of the Week

Jolyon Petch

If you follow the Australian music scene, and the ARIA singles charts, then over the last few weeks you may have seen Dreams - Jolyon Petch. Dreams is a remix of the Fleetwood Mac song of the same name. Dreams have been remixed by multiple producers and DJ's but this is about Joyon Petch. Jolyon Petch is a New Zealand-born, Australian-based DJ, music producer and remixer, best known for his singles "Holding On" and […]

today07/11/2021 13

New Releases

Coldplay + BTS

It's not really a new release, it came out a month ago, but we have been so busy, so forgive us! My Universe is taken from the album Music of the spheres. You (you), you are (you are) my universe And I (I) just want (just want) to put you first And you (you), you are (you are) my universe, and I Coldplay Tweet Coldplay has been around for […]

today05/11/2021 15

